Truth (angleščina)

Ana Malenica


Preberite knjigo resnica. Osupljiva zgodba o moškemu, ki ima pljučnega raka, bo iz vaših oči izvabila solze, iz vas pa misli o lastnem življenju.


What is going on with Zuhdija and Ana?

During the period of completing the proofreading of the novel “Truth” which is based on a true story, Zuhdija and his friend Ana are still living at the foothills of Sveta Gora mountain in Croatia. It passed six years since Zuhdija was diagnosed with lung cancer and he keeps going to regular check ups at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. During all these years his health condition has worsened on several occasions and the oncologists advised him to undergo a new round of chemotherapy and radiotherapy but he refused any kind of medical treatment.

Every once in a while he suffers from pain but he doesn’t use any pharmaceutical medications. They have a field they plow up cultivating organically produced crops.

Ana says: “As long as Zuhdija has a good appetite, an adequate digestion and a good night’s sleep, he has no reason to be afraid of cancer.”

They wander through woodlands and pick up apples from abandoned orchards. They walk around beautiful meadows looking like a carpet of colourful windflowers, searching for medicinal plants and healing herbs, mushrooms, blueberries and wild strawberries. They are always accompanied by a domesticated cat Mau which has appeared in front of their door one morning and since then has had a special place in their hearts and in their home.

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Dimenzije 147 × 210 × 130 mm


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